Sailors ' Valentines
Sea Shell Sailor's Valentine Directions from the Gracious Jane Marie + 7 inch heart-shaped or round wooden box with lid (any small box will work,
Sailors Valentines - Shell Artwork - Lynda Susan Hennigan
Shadow Box with a glass front, brass hinges and a traditional hook clasp
Sailor Valentine Shell Box , Sailor Valentine ; Shadow Box, Shell
This Victorian Style, sailor's valentine , seashell box is made from an old box covered in gray textured art paper. The top is decorated with an assortment
Sailor's Valentines from Award Winning Artist Bill Jordan
20 Jan 2011 A vintage jewelry or trinket box . It is made of wood and the outside is covered with various seashells. The inside is lined with a red fuzzy
Sailor's Valentines : Louis J Dianni
The sailors bought these souvenirs as tokens of love to their wives or girlfriends. The valentines were octagonal boxes made of cedrella (Spanish cedar ).
A Sailor's Valentine is classed as a wooden eight-sided case enclosed in glass containing a mosaic of sea shells of different colors, shapes and sizes.
Decorating with Sailors Valentines
Here is a very nice folk art, shell art, Sailor's Valentine , souvenir box with a swinging mirror. This small trinket box is decorated with shells.
Sailor's Valentines - wise craft
7 Jul 2009 I chose to display the sailor's valentine for my son in a wooden treasure box . I lined the base of the box with green felt and glued the
Soon, sailors were bringing home shell boxes made by another's hand, with sentiments Today, original sailor's valentines are rare and very expensive;
AMS Design: Shaker Box Sailor's Valentine
quality sailor's valentines boxes at great prices. 7" SAILOR'S VALENTINE BOXES inside dimensions 7" x 7" x 1 1/4" Deep. ID, STYLE, WOOD, STAIN, PRICE
Collectors' Corner: Sailors ' Valentines by user from Antiques
Blank Sailors ' Valentine Shadow Boxes . We offer a custom made octagonal front loading unfinished traditional cherry wood display shadow box with a glass
Sailors Valentines -- seashells, crafts, shells, sailors valentines
While the term sailor \'s valentine is often applied to shell-encrusted frames and trinket coffers, or to nonoctagonal display boxes of partitioned shell
12 Feb 2010 While the term sailors valentine is often applied to shell-encrusted frames and boxes , Country Living explains that true 19th-century
Sailor's Valentines , Sailor Valentines are Hand made Shell
Sailor's Valentines make unique bride's maids gifts or wedding shower favors. They can be worn as a pin or have bails for use as a pendant. They come boxed
How to Make a Sailor's Valentine |
A 15" ebony and ivory octagonal box made for a sailor's valentine .
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