Valentine's Day : Most men give flowers to say “I love you”, but
6 Feb 2011 Then there are the guys who will propose on Valentine's Day . In a survey conducted for the Hartford Financial Services Group, almost one-fifth of respondents you can publish your comments everywhere on the site .
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Jewelry News Network: Survey : Valentine's Day Jewelry Sales
The average consumer will spend $116.21 on “traditional Valentine's Day merchandise,†according to the survey – up from $103 in 2010.
Blue Valentine - Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register
Search this site In the graphics below, the red color refers to women and Valentine's Day while the blue color refers to men and White Day . According to our survey , White Day is still less popular than St. Valentine's Day .
Survey : Valentine's Day spending to hit $15.7 billion | Des Moines
A recent NRF survey shows that men plan to shell out around $160 on Valentine's Day gifts this year, more than twice as much as the average woman.
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6 Feb 2011 " Valentine's Day Romance Survey Results" from Fresh Flowers and Gifts in Australia. The same material is repeated on their web site ,
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Bulletin Survey for Myspace Valentine's Day 2010 |Love Survey
3 Feb 2011 A recent survey reveals that 91 percent of men who give flowers to “ Valentine's Day is the holiday where people take time out to Web Site : www. Image by The Adventures of Kristin & Adam via Flickr
Survey Says... Men, Women on Valentine's Day - ABC News
4 Feb 2011 For male survey respondents, the most popular Valentine's Day expense on or provided through this site section is provided on an "as is"
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